Thursday, December 31, 2009

Getting Ready for Uganda

That's me in my motor cycle gear - a helmet, a Honda jacket with padded elbows, shoulders and back and gloves. I dread the very thought of driving a motorbike in Uganda never having driven one here in Canada. Yet, looking out the window at the falling snow, I can't wait to get away from the bitter cold Ottawa. Well, ten days more and I will be off...


  1. Good start to your blog. Keep it up. NP

  2. Beware of chickens and goats and gogs on the roads.

  3. A typo in previous comment. It should read, "Beware of chickens and goats and dogs on the roads in Uganda".

  4. Navinbhai,

    You certanly seem to be ready 1,2,3 and ride a motorcycle and too eager to leave this snowy, bitterly cold Ottawa.

    Will look forward to hearing about your adventures with motorcycle(phatphatiu, like they say in India)

    Bon voyage !

  5. We can't wait to read your Uganda motorcycle diaries, Navin! Jaap

  6. This is a hoot!! Ready or not, here you come. Look out Uganda.

  7. Uganda's traffic, weather, population, Indian restaurants etc must have reminded you of Mumbai. What a welcome change from snowy white Ottawa streets with -20 to lush green +25 !

    Can't wait for your next blog !

  8. Dad - Keep up the great work on your blog - i've really enjoyed reading it tonight (Jan. 25th). So nice to hear your voice yesterday - love you alot, N xoxoxoxox

  9. Hi Navin, greetings from your FF friends now on exchange in Bogota and Costa Rica. In between, we are spending a few days in tropical Cartagena, on the Colombian coast - nice and warm and at low altitude! Keep up the good work!
    Jaap and Maria
